Five Fall Favorites // Thursday: Goodness

We're four days into Five Fall Favorites and I'm so excited to share today's batch of fantastic books! Today's fruit of the Spirit is patience but I've decided to switch it up with goodness. XD

1. The Memories We Painted

This novel forever has my heart. Oh my goodness, the main character has so many beautiful traits and I love how she doesn't give up in believing in the goodness of God and how He doesn't leave even though she goes through much pain. This book truly is a treasure; the prose is impeccable and there are so many golden nuggets of wisdom and quotes. I also really appreciate the fact that the main character is one with a disability, that needs to be highlighted more in fiction. 

YA readers absolutely should read this, they're missing out on a jewel if they don't. 

2. The Goblin and the Dancer

The Goblin and the Dancer is a retelling of The Steadfast Tin Soldier and it's so heartfelt! Each of the characters have their own flaws and mountains to face, but the themes of growth and recognizing inner strengths and goodness triumph. 

Recommend to tweens+.

3. Fawkes

Fawkes was the second book I read by Nadine Brandes and it was the book that solidified her as one of my very top favorite authors ever. I've never read a work by another author who does a better job at adding in allegories. Fawkes has a marvelous allegory that touches on the goodness of God and the gospel message. It's brilliant and, along with the historical aspect and intricate character relationships, Fawkes instilled itself in my list of most beloved books.

Recommend for ages 14+ (per the author's statement).

4. The Princess Companion

The Princess Companion is a fun, enjoyable retelling of The Princess and the Pea. The main female character is so sweet and caring. Overall, it's a solid fairytale spin-off with political intrigue, action, and a delightful message and morals.

Perfect for those who enjoy clean retellings.

5. Daylight

This touching, short story is heavy as it focuses on the aftermath of 9/11. The pain that the main characters go through is horrible but in the end, beauty and goodness outshines the tragedy. The hardships might seem overwhelming in the moment, but there is victory in remembering that God works all things out for good for those who love Him. 
Recommend for readers who can handle the subject of 9/11. 

As always, head on over to Kate's blog to find the rest of today's links and free books! 
Have you read a book that displays the theme of goodness? Do you enjoy fantasy or historical fiction more?


  1. I've only read Daylight from this list, but Caitlin's book is on my kindle waiting for me! Fantastic lineup as always, Emma :)

    1. I hope you enjoy Caitlin's book! Thank you so much! <3

  2. Love these! I was reading The Goblin and the Dancer but set it aside for a time. Need to get back to it.

    1. Ooo yes, it's such a fun book once you get into it!

  3. Great recs! I didn't know there was a disabled MC in Memories We Painted. That's really cool and now I'm curious to read it. ;)

    1. Thank you! Yeah, reading it with my background of working with special needs friends made it all the more impactful and Caitlin blew me away in the best way possible with how she handled that aspected. <3

  4. Melanie Cellier!! *pumps fist in joy*

  5. AH, I've either read or really want to read all of these! Fawkes and Daylight are so good, and the other three are on my TBR! I loved reading your thoughts on them!

    1. Yay!! Ahh yes Fawkes and Daylight are incredible! Thanks so much, I really enjoyed writing this post!


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